Author Archives: Abigail Green

About Abigail Green

Abby has overseen content development for higher education degree programs related to education, technology, business, and healthcare. One of her first jobs after college was working with children’s programs for the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. She is an experienced and versatile writer and editor whose work has been published by Johns Hopkins, the University of Baltimore Alumni Magazine, and The Chicago Tribune.
  1. Run a Summer Arts Camp? Now’s the Time to Set Yourself Up for Success Next Year

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    Many of the most popular summer camps for kids are those run by children’s theaters, arts organizations, and community colleges. Whether it’s a theater camp, art classes for kids, or other summer art programs, day camps in the arts tend to be highly in demand for kids and parents alike.  

    Why are we talking about summer camps now, when many kids have just gone back to school? Because now is the time to review your summer arts camp registration process, while it’s fresh in your mind. Did it go smoothly or was your staff overwhelmed? Did you have lots of returning students, or were people frustrated that they couldn’t get a spot? 

    Now’s the time to set yourself up for success—for your program and your customers— before summer camp registration season rolls around again.

    How you handle summer camp registration can have a big impact on your staff, your customers, and whether or not you fill your camps with satisfied, returning customers year after year. Now’s the time to set yourself up for success next year. Summer camp registration season will be here again before you know it! 

    The Challenges of Seasonal Programs Like Summer Arts Camps

    Some arts organizations run programs all year round. These could be weekly classes, afterschool enrichment programs, or other types of educational offerings. You may take registrations for these programs on a rolling basis. Or you might add an additional session of a popular class—say, a Saturday watercolor class as well as a weeknight class. 

    Summer camps require a different registration process than other classes. Parents may be signing up multiple children months in advance and competing for limited spots. There also tends to be more paperwork involved.

    Summer camps, on the other hand, require a different registration process. Parents are generally signing up their child or several children many months in advance. And time is of the essence, since registrants can be competing for limited spots. 

    After all, an arts camp may have only so many pottery wheels or 3D printers. Some of the best summer camps for teens are performing arts camps. (In fact, many famous actors got their start that way.) But a theater camp may cap registrations at a certain number to ensure that every participant gets a spot on the stage, if they’re putting on a production. 

    And because they are for children and teens, all-day summer camps tend to have more involved paperwork than an hour-long class—like medical forms, emergency contacts, supply lists, etc. All of these factors mean that it’s critical to have a registration system that meets all your needs, both on the administrative side and the customer side. 

    What’s in It for Me? Registration Benefits for Both Programs and Customers

    From our years of serving customers who offer theater camps, art classes for kids, and other summer art programs, we know that most organizations run their programs as close to cost as possible. They don’t want to pay a monthly fee for expensive software they may only use a few months a year. And they want features that actually help them and the customers they’re serving.

    Whether you use CourseStorm, another summer camp registration software, or a different tool, here is a breakdown of three key ways you can leverage registration for your summer arts camp to benefit both your organization and your customers. 

    How Your Summer Art Camp Registration Can Benefit Customers and Your Program

    Offering Early Registration as a Membership Incentive  

    Many community theaters and arts organizations offer memberships to the public. In exchange for an annual membership fee, members get certain benefits, such as discounts and early access to purchase tickets or register for classes. 

    This can be a major selling point for parents who want to send their children to popular summer camps and programs in your community. If you have an in-demand summer arts program that fills up every year, let people know that by becoming a member they’ll be able to jump the line and register early. If you offer members a discounted tuition rate, that’s important to mention in your advertising and outreach, too. 

    Perks for customers: Early access to summer camp registration; discounted tuition

    Perks for programs: New memberships and full summer camp programs 

    Promoting Online Registration as a Differentiator 

    If you consider online registration a convenience, not a perk that can attract new customers, you may want to rethink that from the customer perspective. 

    Laramie County Community College (LCCC) in Wyoming runs several week-long summer youth programs on campus, on everything from arts and crafts to sports and fitness. The summer camps are so popular that most are completely full within the first 6 hours of the day registration opens. “Some classes fill within the first 5 minutes,” said program manager Christie Goertel. 

    Because LCCC uses CourseStorm to take online registrations, returning parents have a major advantage. They have already created an account with all of their child’s info included from last time, and they may have even saved their credit card in the system. 

    “Theoretically, if there’s a returning parent and they know what camps they want and they’ve done it before, they may be done in less than 4 minutes,” said Goertel. Don’t underestimate the motivation of a parent crossing “summer camp registration” off their to-do list in March!  

    Perks for customers: Ease and speed of summer camp registration

    Perks for programs: Eases administrative burden; may make phone banks, long lines, and extra staff to handle registration unnecessary 

    Making Waitlists Work the Way They Should  

    Again, you may be thinking of camp waiting lists as a necessary administrative detail or even a deterrent to customers. After all, why would a parent add their name to a waiting list when these lists are often black holes? We can all think of a time we gave our name to someone over the phone while waiting for a coveted appointment slot or other opening, only to never hear from them again. 

    This is where an automated waiting list can make all the difference. With CourseStorm, for example, customers trying to register for a class or camp session that’s already full will be prompted to add their name to the waitlist. 

    Then, if a spot opens up, CourseStorm users can choose to send people on the waitlist an automatic email that expires after a certain amount of time. The person on the waiting list can either click to register immediately, or decline the invite, which passes to the next person on the list. 

    Either way, it’s a great way to show customers that you haven’t forgotten about them. And it gives them hope that maybe they will get a desired spot in a popular camp or class. 

    Perks for customers: Better experience that can encourage more registrations

    Perks for programs: Eases administrative burden by automating the entire waitlist process

    Help People Find Your Summer Arts Camp Online

    For more specific tips on optimizing your summer camp listings on your website along with info on policies and payments, see our related post, Is Your Summer Camp Registration System Ready for Next Season?

  2. Is Your Registration System Costing You Students?

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    We get it: you’re busy. Maybe your organization is understaffed. And keeping costs low is always important. Given CourseStorm’s many years of experience in the education business, we understand the stressors that many community and arts education programs face. 

    We also know that if you don’t have a functional, streamlined registration system, it can actually cost you money and time. An inconvenient registration process can also negatively affect the student experience, and cost you repeat customers and referrals. 

    Every day, we hear from customers what’s working for them and what’s not when it comes to course registrations. Here are some real-life examples.

    Every day, we hear from our customers what’s working for them and what’s not when it comes to taking registrations for their courses. Here are 5 ways that your existing registration system may not be serving you, and what you can do about it. 

    5 Registration System Mistakes You May Be Making

    These real-life examples from our customers show a few of the ways an inefficient registration process can cause problems for your educational program’s staff as well as for people who are trying to register for your classes. 

    1. You are taking registrations manually. 

    If you’ve always had people sign up in person or over the phone, you may not see any reason to change what seems to be working just fine. However, the manual method can actually cost you students—or a whole class. 

    “We would cancel classes sometimes because we thought they were undersold and they really weren’t.” – Kit Burke-Smith, Garrison Art Center

    Before CourseStorm, Garrison Art Center in New York would manually update Google Sheets to keep track of registrations. “We used to sometimes oversell a class or miss a registration that came in over the phone or in person. And so we would cancel classes sometimes because we thought they were undersold and they really weren’t,” said Kit Burke-Smith, education director. Now, signups that come in via their CourseStorm registration website are automatically tracked in the software and class rosters are updated in real-time. 

    2. The administrative burden of your registration process is too high. 

    If you run a large seasonal program like a summer camp, you may have a lot of people trying to register at once. That’s the case for Laramie County Community College in Wyoming, which runs several very popular summer youth programs on campus. Each spring, up to 500 students register for classes that sometimes sell out in minutes.

    One customer streamlined a lengthy process that required training volunteers to run a phone bank to take registrations. Now, anyone can register online by themselves.

    Program manager Christie Goertel used to spend weeks preparing for registration day, including training staff volunteers. “I had 5 people in the office doing in-person registrations and a phone bank with 10 people answering phones.” She learned the hard way that only 49 callers can be placed on hold or it will crash the phone system for the entire campus. 

    Since switching to online registration with CourseStorm, “I don’t have to do any of that anymore,” she said. “It’s taken a huge weight off my office.” The online registration platform allows people to register whenever they want, even at the same time, without staff having to facilitate it. 

    3. Your registration system doesn’t integrate with your other systems. 

    Several of our customers in the arts use donor management platform Little Green Light. So they may have someone’s contact information if they, say, attended an event or made a charitable donation. But anyone who registered for a class had to be tracked in a different system. 

    CourseStorm combines all of that information. Our integration with Little Green Light means that data flows smoothly between the two platforms. That eliminates the need for tedious data entry and automates confirmation emails sent to each contact. 

    4. You use an online registration platform, but it’s made for events. 

    Not every arts education program is still using a manual registration process. Some programs do use an online registration tool. However, if you’re using event registration software like Evite, Cvent, or RegFox, for example, you’re missing out on the benefits of software specifically designed for course registration. 

    Registrants’ information is not saved, and you usually can’t email students directly (unless you pay additional fees). There’s a downside for the students as well if you use software for events vs. course registration. They can’t access course-specific information, contact instructors directly, or get on a waitlist. Course registration software like CourseStorm has all of these features and more. 

    5. You take online payments, but the platform is made for retail. 

    Similarly, some programs already allow students to pay for classes online. But many times this process is set up as a retail transaction. This means that someone registering for a class has to enter a shipping address (irrelevant) and can’t easily change their payment method or choose a payment plan (inconvenient).

    Again, course registration software improves the process not only for the student but also for your organization. For instance, CourseStorm’s universal transfers feature makes it easy to transfer a student’s payment to a different class, and refunds, waiting lists and payment plans are built into the software as well. 

    Download our new case study and find out how Garrison Art Center grew enrollments by more than 100%

    What If Our Students Don’t Know How to Use an Online Registration System? 

    Finally, let’s debunk a fear you might have about switching to an online registration system. For example, organizations that teach classes for older learners sometimes assume that online registration is not for them. Some even have firsthand examples of customers who have said they can’t or don’t want to navigate an online registration system. 

    To address the first concern, older people today are more tech-savvy than ever. Pew Research Center found that seniors’ use of technology has increased significantly over the past decade. Of U.S. adults ages 50 to 64, 96% of use the internet, as do 75% of those 65 and older. The pandemic also proved that seniors will adopt technology when it benefits them. Video calls, online learning, and telehealth became part of everyday life for people of all ages. 

    Older people are more tech-savvy than ever. But if some students are resistant to registering online, you can do it for them and still get the benefits of the technology.

    But what if you have people who are not computer-savvy enough to register for your classes online, like some of our customers do? Burke-Smith has a workaround for these students: “I do it for them.” 

    By entering the registration info into CourseStorm—whether the student is providing it in person or over the phone—an organization still gets all the benefits of the software on their end. Instructors have access to their class lists, registration numbers can be monitored in real time, they can send marketing emails, and more. 

    To find out more about how CourseStorm helped Garrison Art Center grow their classes and enrollments by more than 100%, download our case study.

  3. Creative Aging: Why Arts Educators Need to Engage Older Learners Now

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    You’re never too old to learn something new, and it’s never too late to embrace your creativity. That’s the idea behind creative aging: art programs for older adults that enhance their quality of life through music, visual arts, and other activities. 

    If you’re an arts organization, library, community center, or anyone offering educational programs to the community and you are not serving older adult learners, you’re missing a huge opportunity. 

    By 2030, older adults (aged 55+) will be the dominant age demographic in the United States. By 2034, older adults will outnumber children under age 18 for the first time in U.S. history, according to Census Bureau projections. 

    Heather Ikemire, executive director of Lifetime Arts

    “If you want to meet the needs of your community, if you want to engage new audiences and attract new funding, it makes a lot of sense to be thinking about how to provide quality arts learning experiences for older people,” said Heather Ikemire, executive director of the nonprofit arts service organization Lifetime Arts

    But first, there are a few things you should know about reaching an audience of older learners. 

    What Is Creative Aging?

    In case you haven’t heard it before, the term “creative aging” describes the use of arts and cultural activities to improve the quality of life for older people, Ikemire explained. The field encompasses many different approaches and is practiced all over the world. Lifetime Arts recently hosted the 2023 International Creative Aging Summit, which had 400 participants from 26 countries. 

    “While the approaches to the work vary, in its broadest sense it’s recognizing the power of creative expression—engaging older people in activities centered on creative and social engagement, and the power that has in terms of supporting quality of life, the process of aging well, and also transforming cultural mindsets around what it means to age,” said Ikemire. 

    Creative aging programming can happen in multiple disciplines (music, film, visual art), in multiple spaces (libraries, museums, senior centers), and remotely or in person.

    Creative aging programming can happen in multiple disciplines, including music, film, theater, and visual arts, and in multiple spaces, such as libraries, museums, veterans homes, and more. Classes for older adults can happen remotely as well as in person, and can be free, paid, or subsidized programs. 

    Key Characteristics of Older Adult Learners 

    Older people are living longer and seeking meaningful ways to connect and continue to learn skills. But a watercolor class for adults aged 55+ should not be identical to a class for school-aged students. There are several factors that differentiate older learners from their younger counterparts:

    Adult learners are autonomous and self-directed. “They vote with their feet,” as Ikemire put it. Educational programming has to speak to them and their interests or they’ll go find something else. The best way to offer programs they want? Ask them! “It’s incredibly important to listen to the older adults in your community,” Ikemire advises arts organizations. 

    Older people are goal-oriented. They’re not just looking for a hobby or something to fill the time. They want to learn and develop skills. The creative aging model used by Lifetime Arts focuses on professionally led instructional arts programming designed to build artistic skills over time. Participants have an opportunity to practice something and then keep applying it so they can see their skills improve.

    They are seeking connection. There’s a reason creative arts programming typically takes place over a period of many weeks rather than one-time drop-in sessions. “There is evidence that shows that building social connection over time can actually lead to significant physical and mental health benefits for older people,” said Ikemire. Art classes for the elderly help to reduce social isolation and loneliness, among other advantages.

    In a recent survey, 42% of U.S. adults aged 55+ said they were seeking more social connection in their lives.

    A recent report on aging surveyed more than 28,000 U.S. adults aged 55+ and found that 42% said they were seeking more social connection in their lives. That percentage increased with age.

    They may have barriers to participation. These may include physical limitations, such as hearing or vision impairments or an inability to stand for long periods. Transportation could be an issue, or time of day if they don’t drive at night. Or, there might be another popular class in the community that meets at the same time as yours. 

    Seniors are not necessarily tech-averse. If you’re offering an online class, or even online registration for an in-person class, you might assume that rules out older learners. That’s not necessarily the case. While some seniors may be unfamiliar with technology, many are more tech-savvy than ever, thanks to the pandemic. That said, there are some best practices for working with seniors that we cover in our post, 6 Tips for Teaching Tech to Older Learners

    Opportunities for New Revenue Streams

    Offering arts programs for seniors not only benefits older learners in a community, but also can boost the bottom lines of the education programs. “It can be a really wonderful earned revenue stream for some organizations,” said Ikemire.

    Many arts centers, museums, and theaters are empty during the day. This is especially true for an arts organization that has primarily been serving younger people with weekend classes and afterschool programs. Welcoming older learners into your space during daytime hours is a good way to bring in new audiences. 

    “When you see creative arts programming in action, it’s joyful. It’s incredibly powerful.” – Ikemire

    Ultimately, these programs thrive when there’s institutional buy-in. A big part of making that happen is seeing these programs in action. Invite your staff, your board members, or other stakeholders to see creative arts programming in action. 

    “When you see it, it’s joyful. You get it right away. It’s incredibly powerful,” said Ikemire. “And there are incredible opportunities to grow audiences, to increase your budget, to find the funders for your work, and also to spark intergenerational connections between young people and older people.”

    Examples of Successful Creative Aging Programs

    When done right, arts programming for seniors can boost revenue and student loyalty. Here are a couple examples of successful programs for older learners.

    Two people painting at Rumriver Art Center in Anoka, MN, which has thriving creative aging programs

    Rumriver Art Center, Anoka, MN. Photo credit: Larry Weinberg

    Rumriver Art Center

    Previously only providing youth classes, Rumriver Art Center in Minnesota decided to expand their program offerings to include arts education opportunities for adults 55+. These programs attracted so much interest that they had to add more classes and staff. 

    Over the course of two years, the center’s creative aging programming budget increased from zero to over 25% of their annual budget. Many of the students later became teachers, volunteers, and even employees after attending classes.

    Forever Learning Institute

    Another example of a thriving education program dedicated solely to older adults is the Forever Learning Institute (FLI) in South Bend, Indiana. For 45 years, FLI has engaged older learners through a robust catalog of enrichment classes covering all sorts of topics including dance, technology, literature, and foreign languages. The classes are taught by an all-volunteer faculty. 

    FLI is home to the Silvertones, a musical glee club for ages 50+, that performs at various community locations throughout the year, as well as the Solid Silver Dancers, who learn and perform dances from the 40s, 50s, 60s, disco, Broadway, and more. The course description for that class describes it as “a dance workout that is easy on the knees and made especially for us seniors. But still fun and sassy!” 

    It’s worth noting that courses that incorporate movement are especially important for older learners. Numerous medical studies have shown that the more physically active you are as you age, the healthier you’ll be for longer.

    Creative Aging Resources for Arts Organizations

    There are numerous resources for organizations interested in learning about and implementing creative aging programming, many of them free. The best place to start is Lifetime Arts’ website, The Creative Aging Resource. The site includes articles, case studies, presentations, and research on a wide range of topics related to arts education for older populations. 

    Lifetime Arts also offers Creative Aging Foundations On Demand, a free, self-paced online course designed for institutions and individuals seeking to run arts programming for older adults. The course includes instructional videos, practical program design principles, and information on developing partnerships with other community organizations serving older adults.

    “Creativity is a human right for all of us throughout our lifespans.” – Ikemire

    “This is a time for us as mission-driven organizations to think about how we can provide programming that can really enable all people, including older adults, to age well, to age in community, and to still contribute,” said Ikemire. “Creativity is a human right for all of us throughout our lifespans.”

    CourseStorm counts a number of community education and arts organizations among our customers. Our mission is to streamline access to education to empower personal growth. Learn more about us and get in touch today to see how we can help your organization.

  4. The Benefits of After-School Enrichment Programs

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    Students are heading back to school. And that means parents are looking for activities to keep their children busy and engaged after the dismissal bell rings. That may be aftercare or afterschool enrichment programs at school or other enrichment activities in the community. 

    A national survey of 2,000+ K-8 parents and guardians by the nonprofit organization Learning Heroes found that 65% have children enrolled in after-school activities. The most common reason was “to expose children to new experiences, ideas, and perspectives beyond their everyday home and school lives.” Data also show that demand for afterschool enrichment programs has skyrocketed

    This article can help organizations offering afterschool enrichment programs to understand what parents and students are looking for in after school enrichment activities, showcase the benefits of your program, and attract and enroll more students. 

    What Are Enrichment Programs?

    After-school enrichment programs typically focus on fun, games, play, movement, and other activities students may not get to participate in during the school day. 

    Afterschool enrichment programs typically offer a variety of activities, letting students explore and discover new interests.

    Afterschool enrichment programs often provide a range of activities, letting students explore different options and discover new interests. “Furthermore, because after-school programs are sometimes more diverse than school classrooms, with students of different ages and backgrounds, children can build empathy, communication and teamwork skills,” noted US News & World Report

    Group of kids making collages

    In fact, building those “soft skills” that are so important in the workplace and in life is one of the key benefits of enrichment programs for all ages. 

    There are after-school enrichment programs specifically focused on subjects like coding or the arts, such as TRYPS Children’s Theater in Missouri, which offers an arts-based alternative to other afterschool programs for grades K-5. Students participate in “mini plays” and theater games as well as art projects and field trips. 

    Most after-school enrichment programs are geared toward elementary-age students. However, there are opportunities for middle school and high school students as well. Activities for these ages tend to take the form of afterschool clubs like chess, robotics, or coding. Some community makerspaces may offer enrichment classes or workshops. For older teens, afterschool workforce development programs are an option. And of course, sports and music are always popular after-school activities. 

    The Top Afterschool Enrichment Classes for Kids

    The Learning Heroes report found that 49% of after-school activities are arts, sports, or interest-based programs, and 18% are academic. As for the most popular after-school enrichment activities, US News puts these at the top of the list: 

    Art. “Art is fundamental to education as a cross-brain experience that involves mind, body, and heart,” said Karen Pittman, co-founder of the nonprofit Forum for Youth Investment. Read more about the positive impact of the arts on health, as well as how to market art classes for kids to the parents who will register them.

    Foreign languages. Research shows that language learning is linked to higher academic achievement and can help develop students’ reading abilities. Learning a second language has other benefits, as well. Bilingual children have been shown to demonstrate empathy better than their peers who only speak one language.  

    Martial arts. In addition to providing physical activity, the martial arts—such as karate, taekwondo, and judo—also teach respect, honor, and discipline. Children who participate in martial arts have shown increased social skills and confidence along with less aggressiveness. Martial arts classes are also a good option for children interested in athletics but not team sports. 

    Music. Music is another cross-brain experience, noted Pittman. Many countries incorporate it into early childhood education, but older children may not have the opportunity to engage in music at school. Research has shown that when K-12 students have a chance to participate in musical activities such as playing an instrument or singing in a chorus, they are more likely to stay in school and to perform better in English, math, science, and second languages.

    Top Afterschool Programs: Art, Foreign Languages, Martial Arts, Music

    Why Are After-School Programs Important?

    Naturally, parents want their children to be safe and supervised after school. There are many benefits to after school programs beyond providing childcare to kids until their parents are done with work, however. In fact, afterschool programs have been shown to improve participants’ performance at school, reduce crime and juvenile delinquency, and provide a significant return on investment through increasing students’ earning potential. 

    Afterschool programs have been shown to improve school performance, reduce crime, and increase students’ future earning potential.

    Data from the Afterschool Alliance, a nonpartisan, nonprofit organization whose mission is to ensure that all children have access to affordable, quality afterschool programs, found the following benefits of afterschool programs:

    • Access to caring adults and mentors
    • Help children develop social skills and life skills
    • Help develop confidence and responsible decision-making
    • Reduce the likelihood of children engaging in risky behaviors
    • Provide opportunities for physical activity

    These findings are more important than ever, given that loneliness and youth mental health issues skyrocketed during the pandemic.

    Afterschool Alliance: afterschool programs support young people's overall health and development


    What Do Parents Look for in Afterschool Enrichment Programs?

    To market after-school programs in your community, you first need to understand what’s important to parents and caregivers who will be looking for, evaluating, and ultimately registering their children for afterschool activities.

    Transportation may be an issue for many parents if an enrichment program is not at their child’s school, so if your program does or does not include transportation, be sure to note that in your marketing materials and program descriptions. 

    It’s also a good idea to note whether a snack is included, and if students are given time to complete homework. For some parents, having a place where students can work on assignments and get help if needed is a huge benefit that avoids evening homework battles. 

    Some community organizations like the Y offer before and after school enrichment programs that start as early as 7 a.m. and are available to students 5 days a week or only 2 or 3 days a week. Perhaps with flexible scheduling, your program could fill a need for parents that other programs don’t.

    Demand has skyrocketed: for every child in an afterschool program, three are waiting to get in.

    Unmet demand for after-school enrichment programs has skyrocketed. For every child in an afterschool program, three are waiting to get in, according to the Afterschool Alliance. With the right marketing and a simple, parent-friendly registration tool, your afterschool program can be the solution families are looking for. 

    CourseStorm serves many customers offering after-school activities and enrichment classes. Features like group registration and emailed waiting list invites make for a simple and seamless experience for both families and your program staff. Get in touch with us today for a demo!

  5. CourseStormers Gather for In-Person Connection and Some Friendly Competition

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    CourseStorm is growing. We are hiring new team members, scaling up our internship program, serving new customers, and every day we are connecting more learners to life-changing educational opportunities. 

    We took some time recently as a company to celebrate our growth and reenergize ourselves to continue to work toward our ambitious goal of making 3 million connections to education by 2025. We are well on our way!  

    One Thursday in July, CourseStormers gathered from all over our home state of Maine as well as from Maryland and Arizona. For many of us, it was the first time meeting our colleagues in person. For others, it was a happy reunion. For all of us, it was a chance to connect, learn more about each other, and have some fun in beautiful Belfast, Maine. 

    Photos from CourseStorm's 2023 in-person employee get-together in Maine

    Celebrating personal and professional growth

    Kicking things off, CEO and co-founder Brain Rahill gave a heartfelt speech about how far CourseStorm has come. He reflected on the early days as a scrappy startup, when he and co-founder Matt James slept on the floor while attending a conference. Looking around the room, he marveled at the now 20+ employees and interns who are dedicated to fulfilling CourseStorm’s mission to streamline access to education and spur personal growth for as many people as possible. 

    “While we may think we’re in the education technology business, we are actually in the personal growth business.” – CEO Brian Rahill

    Brian called out employees by name and gave shoutouts to recently promoted members of the leadership team, acknowledging everyone for their commitment to personal growth and willingness to do hard things. He read off examples of recent course registrations CourseStorm has facilitated: Python programming, childbirth preparation, nursing assistant certification, improv, intro to Spanish. 

    “While we may think we’re in the education technology business, we are actually in the personal growth business. Every registration represents a step along a student’s personal growth journey that we have facilitated,” noted Brian. And everyone at the company is here because we wholeheartedly believe in the power of education to change lives. 

    Launching our next chapter

    Next up on the agenda, we did what we at CourseStorm do best: try new things, fail, learn from our mistakes, and have fun in the process. On this day, that took the form of … bottle rockets! 

    Taking a STEAM — Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics — approach to the project, we started by decorating empty 2-liter bottles with paint, tape, jewels, and more. Some people got really into embellishing their rockets, while others focused on aeronautics. 

    Then we headed outside to a nearby park to launch our bottle rockets. CourseStormers love a little friendly competition, so predictions were made for whose rockets would go the highest and farthest. The jury’s still out on the winner, but Matt’s undecorated “control” rocket and Brian’s extra-long rainbow-hued rocket were both in the running.

    Photos of the bottle rocket launch from CourseStorm's 2023 in-person employee get-together in Maine

    Competing for the best company culture

    After lunch, it was time for the CourseStorm Olympics. The planning committee put a lot of work into coming up with numerous games to challenge everyone physically and mentally. From balloon races to cup stacking to archery and more, each team showed off their speed, agility, and/or sense of humor as they competed for first place. Winners were gifted trophies and tents. (In addition to being fun and competitive, we CourseStormers are an outdoorsy bunch!)

    We are grateful to work at a place committed to fostering a positive, inclusive company culture for its employees.

    We finished the day worn out, but with warm feelings about our wonderful company and colleagues, grateful that we work at a place as committed to fostering a positive, inclusive company culture for its employees as CourseStorm. 

    We’re happy to share the secrets of our success! Be sure to follow us on LinkedIn and check out some of the ways we build connection and camaraderie as a mostly remote team in our blog post, Fun Icebreakers for Adults to Use in Classes, Meetings, and More

  6. The Best Art Podcasts for Arts Organizations, Educators, and Creatives

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    Podcasts offer a wealth of information, insights, and entertainment related to most any topic. Unlike videos or reading material, podcasts can be listened to on the go — in your car, at the gym, or while you’re painting, gardening, or walking the dog. That may be why podcasts are an increasingly popular form of content. That includes art podcasts for people involved with arts organizations, arts education, or creatives of any kind. 

    The number of podcast listeners in the U.S. rose steeply last year, according to Spotify’s Podcast Trends Report. About half of all American adults listened to a podcast in the past year, according to Pew Research Center. Of those, 10% are avid listeners who consume podcasts nearly every day, while another 25% listen a few times a month. 

    Surveys say 49% of Americans have listened to a podcast in the last year; 10% listened almost daily, and 25% listened a few times a month.

    While Millennials and Gen Z currently represent the biggest segment of podcast listeners, this trend may not last much longer. With so many new shows being launched, listener demographics are changing, according to the Spotify report. “Podcasters proved that the medium truly offers something for everyone, helping to attract new audiences, both younger and older.” 

    What Are the Most Popular Podcasts? 

    From true crime to vegan cooking, podcasts cover a wide range of topics. The most popular podcasts are related to comedy and entertainment, reports Pew. According to Spotify, listeners streamed Society & Culture and News podcasts the most in the past year, across all platforms. And podcasts not only inform and entertain listeners, they also influence behavior: Pew found that 6 in 10 podcast listeners have watched a movie, read a book, or listened to music because of a podcast.

    Podcasts not only inform and entertain, they also influence behavior: 6 in 10 listeners have watched a movie, read a book, or listened to music because of a podcast.

    Below, we’re doing a deeper dive into podcasts related to arts and culture. Not just art history and the performing arts, but also arts education, marketing and leadership. Check out our list of the best art podcasts — plus a few podcasts that will interest anyone, no matter your niche.

    The Best Art Podcasts

    Teaching Artists Podcast logo

    Teaching Artist Podcast

    This podcast has 100 episodes dedicated to discussion of teaching art to kids, making art, and how those two practices overlap and feed each other. Hosted by Rebecca Potts Aguirre, a teaching artist living in Los Angeles who teaches visual art in elementary schools, most episodes are about an hour long and feature an interview with a teaching artist. Recent episodes include a collage artist talking about how the pandemic affected her work and an artist who works with students with disabilities. 

    Art Works for Teachers

    Geared primarily toward K-12 educators, this art podcast will appeal to anyone interested in creativity and education. Host Susan Riley is a former music teacher turned education entrepreneur. In each approximately 30-minute episode, she shares powerful stories and strategies from authors, artists, and educators exploring the creative journey. Each episode is provided in audio, video, and written format and includes a downloadable resource.

    Who ARTed? 

    The best podcasts don’t have to be lengthy to be worthwhile. If you’re looking for a quick hit of art history for yourself or your students, this podcast delivers. Covering the visual arts, each entertaining and informative episode is only about 10 minutes long, on average, and is aimed at all ages. Recent topics include how art affects the brain, who was Italian sculptor Donatello, and how Cirque de Soleil started. 

    Music Podcasts and Theater Podcasts

    Song Exploder Podcast logoSong Exploder

    In this podcast, host and creator Hrishikesh Hirway asks musicians to delve into the specific decisions that went into creating their work. The result is an intimate, compelling story focused on how the artists brought their hit songs to life, inspiring music enthusiasts and other artists alike. Each episode is about 20 minutes long. Guests include Fleetwood Mac, Billie Eilish, U2, Metallica, Lorde, Yo-Yo Ma, The Roots, Bon Iver, and more. Song Exploder has been adapted into a Netflix series.

    In The Greenroom: Theatre Marketing Podcast

    Longtime theater marketing expert Julie Nemitz guides regional and community theatres to grow their revenue and delight their audiences. In recent episodes, she discusses attracting audiences with great marketing content, Broadway advertising, digital theatre, and the changing consumer behavior of theatergoers. Each episode ranges from about 30-45 minutes long. CourseStorm is pleased to sponsor In The Greenroom!

    The Offstage Mic Podcast logoThe Offstage Mic: The Business Side of Arts & Culture

    Passionate about helping arts organizations reach their highest potential, host Aubrey Bergauer has been hailed as “the Steve Jobs of classical music” and “the Sheryl Sandberg of the symphony.” In < 60 minutes, recent episodes educate listeners on such topics as how to self-release recordings without a label, developing alternate revenue streams, and a new framework for arts marketing. CourseStorm is proud to sponsor The Offstage Mic!

    Business Podcasts and Related Topics

    Design Matters with Debbie Millman Podcast logoDesign Matters

    Billing itself as “the world’s first podcast about design,” Design Matters with Debbie Millman has been broadcast for over 15 years. The hour-long show examines how creativity combines with business, education, and other topics through in-depth conversations with designers, writers, artists, curators, musicians, and other creatives. Recent episodes have featured Alan Dye, vice president of human interface design at Apple, and self-taught footwear designer turned college president D’Wayne Edwards.

    Subscription Stories: True Tales From the Trenches 

    “This is the podcast I have been devouring lately,” Bergauer told us. Host Robbie Kellman Baxter is the expert on the subscription/membership economy, and she interviews brands and marketers using a subscription model across all kinds of industries. The approximately 30-minute episodes feature brands like Netflix, Coursera, and digital language learning pioneer Babbel. Topics include mastering the subscription marketing mindset and customer retention analytics. “I love hearing what’s working in other sectors and drawing parallels to our industry,” said Bergauer. 

    ReThinking Podcast logoReThinking 

    In weekly ~ 30-minute episodes, host Adam Grant interviews leaders in their field on how to run organizations more effectively, develop high-performing teams, and address issues that affect most all of us. He has discussed building a strong team culture with Seattle Seahawks coach Pete Carroll, finding and becoming a great mentor with Wall Street veteran Carla Harris, and how to sustain creative energy with cellist Yo-Yo Ma. 

    “A lot of the challenges we face in the office (how to handle remote work, toxic bosses, improving company culture) affect just about every industry out there, so I love how Adam is addressing these big issues head-on with outstanding leaders every week,” said Bergauer.

    TED Talks Daily

    Every weekday, host and journalist Elise Hu shares thought-provoking ideas on nearly every subject imaginable, from artificial intelligence to zoology. In bite-sized episodes ranging from 5 to 20 minutes, the world’s leading thinkers and creators invite you to change your perspective, pique your curiosity, and learn something new. Recent episodes discuss solving the climate crisis and educating girls in places that lack easy access to schooling. 

    More Art Education Resources

    Whatever you’re interested in, whether arts and culture, business, education, or something else, there’s probably a podcast out there for you. Ask your students and colleagues what they’re listening to, browse the top podcasts charts, and keep an eye on the social media platforms of your favorite celebrities and brands. You may discover new podcasts you never knew existed. And if print is more your thing, check out our list of 12 Arts and Culture Magazines Worth Recommending to Students

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  7. What Can We Learn From Smart Celebrities With a Love of Learning?

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    Like it or not, we live in a celebrity-obsessed culture. Whether it’s singer Taylor Swift, athlete Cristiano Ronaldo, media mogul Oprah Winfrey or any number of influencers on screen, stage, or social media, people want to know everything about them. We thought, why not use our natural curiosity about famous folks for good?

    We’re turning the spotlight on celebrities who have demonstrated a lifelong love of learning.

    Whether they are taking science classes for fun between acting gigs or teaching the general public how to code or how to cook like an award-winning chef, these high-profile people show us that education is for everyone, at any time of life. 

    As an education technology company, we at CourseStorm know that lifelong learning has enormous benefits. Whether you’re earning a college degree to pursue a specific career, taking evening improv classes for fun, or watching YouTube videos to learn how to produce music, it all enriches your life and even your health.  

    Read on to find out how some of the most famous people we know have embraced education, and get some ideas for what you might like to learn next!

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  8. The Top 5 Certificate Programs for Jobs With Growth Potential

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    The pandemic created massive upheaval in the job market. In a short span of time, we saw a major shift to remote work, a surge in need for healthcare-related jobs, and jobs in some fields, like travel and entertainment, vanish almost overnight.  

    As we reported earlier this year in our post, the 5 Types of Workforce Training Programs Trending for 2023, the Great Resignation could more accurately be called the Great Talent Reshuffle. While “reskilling” is a popular buzzword, Daphne Kis, CEO of WorldQuant University, pointed out in Forbes, “Reskilling used to go by another name—lifelong learning. The best employees were always reskilling.”

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  9. Rainbow Flags and Story Quilts: Textile Art as Activism in U.S. History

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    It’s Pride Month, and rainbow flags are everywhere. If you’ve never considered the connection between textile art and activism, you’re in for a colorful history lesson. In fact, the United States has a rich history of weaving crafts such as sewing, knitting, and other fiber arts into its social justice movements. 

    Read on to learn more about “craftivism,” see examples of textile art as activism, and even find out how to create your own.  

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  10. Fun Icebreakers for Adults to Use in Classes, Meetings, and More

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    Even if you’re not familiar with the term “icebreaker,” you’ve likely participated in one. An icebreaker is simply a question or activity that helps “break the ice” between strangers and encourages people to open up and talk to each other. Icebreaker examples include an impromptu “Where are you from?” while walking to class, or a scheduled team-building exercise at work. 

    Icebreakers can be especially useful in classes for adults, since grownups often do not interact as easily as children do. Find out about different types of icebreakers, examples of in-person and Zoom icebreakers, some tips to help icebreakers run smoothly, and what to do and avoid to make sure your icebreakers are inclusive.

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