Author Archives: Abigail Green

About Abigail Green

Abby has overseen content development for higher education degree programs related to education, technology, business, and healthcare. One of her first jobs after college was working with children’s programs for the Walters Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland. She is an experienced and versatile writer and editor whose work has been published by Johns Hopkins, the University of Baltimore Alumni Magazine, and The Chicago Tribune.
  1. What Is a Makerspace and How Can it Build Job Skills?

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    Do you want to learn a new skill or try out a new tool? Want to work on a specific project, make something with your hands, or meet new people who share your interests of creating and building? Makerspaces are the perfect place to do all of these things and more. 

    Whether it’s a makerspace in a school, a standalone facility, or a library makerspace, these hubs of creativity are cropping up all over the country. Many makerspaces are open to learners and makers of all ages. Some require a monthly membership or paid classes, while others are free to the public. Find out more about what makerspaces have to offer. 

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