
New Feature

Beta Updates + Growing the Team

A man in glasses and a black shirt smiles while standing indoors near a window, reflecting on his latest insights from online education classes.

Matt James

May 5, 2023

Hi all, Matt here. I’m very excited to share with you updates on our active beta programs and the news that we’re growing the team. Read on for more!

Beta Program Updates

Universal Transfers

I’m pleased to say that we’ve just released the first update in the Universal Transfers beta program. Our first iteration brings a new user experience to beta customers making it easier to transfer students between classes with multiple sessions. This new design also lays the groundwork for the next release which will bring additional transfer features to those beta users. If you’re interested in joining the beta, please reach out to me and we’ll add you to the list.

Automatic Payouts + Refund Reserve

As you may know, we’re also running a second beta program to bring new payout and refund flexibility to our customers. In April, we migrated all transaction data for our beta customers from the old system to the new without issue and we’re looking to expand our pool of beta users in the coming weeks. If this is something you’d be interested in, drop me a line!

Growing the Team

Things are really starting to roll on the CourseStorm Product team and we have a bunch of great updates in the works. So many, in fact, that we’re excited to announce that we’re growing the team and have two seats open for Senior Software Engineers to join our team.

If you know an experienced software engineer who’s looking to join an energized and customer-focused team that is launching new code every week, please have them apply!

Our Internship Program

In other exciting news, we’re bringing in even more engineering talent via our 2023 Summer Internship Program!

We’re pleased to welcome the following software and user experience engineers to our team. This summer, they’ll be leading their own project to launch a great new update for CourseStorm, so stay on the lookout for the fruits of their labor this Fall!

⚡ Welcome, Team Lightning 2! ⚡

  • Kat Canavan
  • Jenna Glickstein
  • Mathew Mesfin
  • John Hohl
A man in glasses and a black shirt smiles while standing indoors near a window, reflecting on his latest insights from online education classes.
Matt James

Matt has over 20 years of experience in the software industry. As the founder or co-founder of four software companies, he comprehensively understands technology, design, operations, finance, sales, marketing, and customer service. Matt co-founded CourseStorm to connect learners to classes where they can gain education a la carte to enrich their lives through art classes, prepare for a new job, or level up their existing skills.

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