Company News

  1. CourseStorm Announces Partnership with PatronManager

    Orono, ME, February 12, 2020: Maine technology company CourseStorm announced a partnership agreement with leading ticketing, fundraising, and marketing solution for the arts, PatronManager, a Patron Technology product. The partnership will enable PatronManager clients to register students for classes and workshops with CourseStorm while automatically bringing in customer data to PatronManager with a planned integration.

    Syncing contact and registration information from CourseStorm’s streamlined class registration system into PatronManager will provide a more detailed picture of an organization’s supporters, helping create stronger, more profitable relationships for programs in the arts.

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  2. CourseStorm Selected for 2019 Governor’s Award for Business

    AUGUSTA, ME: Governor Janet Mills recognized four Maine businesses as recipients of the Governor’s Award for Business Excellence during a ceremony at the Blaine House in Augusta on December 18, 2019, joined by Maine Department of Economic and Community Development Commissioner Heather Johnson.

    Maine technology company CourseStorm received the Innovation Award, which celebrates and recognizes business excellence through entrepreneurship and innovation. The 2019 award seeks to celebrate and highlight elements of the State’s ten-year strategic economic plan, with four new award recipient categories. Other businesses recognized were Rwanda Bean with the Welcome Home Award, Luke’s Lobster with the Heritage Industry Award, and Bigelow Brewing Company with the Rural Revitalization Award.

    “We are very grateful to be recognized,” commented Cofounder and CEO Brian Rahill. “We’re excited to be helping with the State’s economic plan in a couple of ways. We are creating high-skilled jobs as we build our own great team, and we’re helping people continue to train and retrain for new work by connecting them to continuing lifelong learning here and all across the US. We started this idea in Maine and are proud that CourseStorm is connecting people to critical educational opportunities across the entire nation.”

    photo montage: 1. 2019 Governor’s Award for Business in Innovation statue; 2. co-founders Matt James and Brian Rahill with Maine Governor Janet Mills; 3. a CourseStorm team selfie

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  3. CourseStorm Welcomes Four New Staff Members

    It seems that 2019 continues to be a year of growth for CourseStorm! 

    We’re happy to welcome employees in the third quarter of 2019 as Becky Willough, Lukas Forbush, Chris Suggs and Jeff Whitlow (pictured) join the CourseStorm team! 

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  4. We’re LaunchPad Finalists!

    We are very excited to have been selected as a finalist for Gorham Savings Bank’s LaunchPad 2019 Competition!

    CourseStorm, Casco Bay Creamery, GO Lab, Sidewalk Buttler, and Vintage Maine Kitchen will participate in live a pitch competition to be held the evening of Tuesday, June 4 at USM’s Hannaford Hall in Portland. 

    LaunchPad helps Maine’s innovators and entrepreneurs reach the next level with an award of $50,000 from Gorham Savings Bank. The five Maine companies were selected from an applicant pool of more than150 businesses as the finalists of the seventh annual LaunchPad competition.

    LaunchPad promotional image featuring photos representing each selected company

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  5. Register for Multiple Classes with Cart

    After months of working behind the scenes, we are beyond excited to announce the single feature that has been requested by customers more than any other: the ability to register for multiple classes at once. We call it CourseStorm Cart. Read on to find out how to enable early access to the feature on your site!

    Once your site is equipped with Cart, students can pick as many classes as they want from your catalog and register for them all in a single transaction. And because CourseStorm has easy tools to register your family and friends as well, you can register as many people for as many classes as you want with just a few clicks!

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  6. What Our Greenlight Maine Win Means for Our Future


    As some of you may know, we recently won our episode of Greenlight Maine, putting us one step closer to winning the $100,000 grand prize! We went head-to-head against the creator of College Helpers in front of a panel of three judges: Tom O’Donnell, the principle of Macpage; Mike Duguay, the executive director of the Harold Alfond Institute for Business; and Becky Conrad, the president of the LA Metro Chamber of Commerce. Each of us were given time to pitch our business, and we were judged not only on the quality of our pitch but also the long-term growth potential of our company.

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  7. Introducing CourseStorm Roulette!

    When I was in high school, I was obsessed with computers. Like most kids that age, my friends and I loved playing video games, but we also loved creating things. The first computer program I wrote with a friend was a short game of Madlibs. The game started by asking you for words: adjectives, nouns, places, things you wear, etc. We’d then take those words and insert them into a pre-built story invariably designed to make whatever you had typed into a crude joke. It was a blast!

    But one thing was clear when it came to school — there wasn’t a lot of instruction for computers. Sure, we could take a keyboarding class or learn the ins and outs of Microsoft Word, but there wasn’t a class we could take to just “build cool stuff” on the computer. Yet, that’s all we wanted to do! We wanted to build computers from scratch, program new games to play, design animated shorts, create cool video effects, and stay up late into the night making music on the computer. We wanted to learn how to create new things, but there were no classes we could take that would teach us. So, we taught ourselves.

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  8. Cancel fewer classes, automatically.

    Here at CourseStorm HQ, we consider it our job to make it simple for students to connect to those great classes of yours. So, as you might imagine, we’re about as disappointed as anyone when a class has to cancel because there just aren’t enough students registered. It’s not great for you and your team who have worked hard to make the class available, it’s not great for the instructor who’s excited to share their knowledge, and it’s not great for the students who were really looking forward to taking that class!

    Well, thankfully, just in time for Fall registration, we’re adding a brand new way to help you cancel fewer classes, automatically, and it’s launching today!

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