Growing Our Impact, Together
Hey everyone, it’s Matt again. In this month’s installment of CourseStorm Product updates, I wanted to switch gears a little bit and talk about the moves we’re making behind the scenes to create an even better experience for you and your students, so that you can continue to grow your impact in the world. Let’s dig in!
The Latest CourseStorm Articles You Don’t Want to Miss
As we move into the new year, we’re very excited to look ahead and get a jump on the new projects we have lined up. But at this time it’s also important to look back and reflect on the things we’ve learned leading up to this point. At CourseStorm, we’re all about growth and we think the content we publish will help any program grow in a successful way.
That’s why we’ve gathered the latest CourseStorm articles you don’t want to miss from 2022. We think these topics are important to review as you move forward into the new year. We hope these refine your strategy for success, or if they’re new subjects for you, we hope you learn important aspects to consider when running your program. Enjoy!
7 Creative Marketing Ideas to Promote Your Courses
The Super Bowl isn’t just a night to determine the National Football League champion. It’s also known for smart and creative ad campaigns. Sure, those companies have multi-million dollar budgets to help them come up with creative marketing ideas. But, you don’t need to spend a fortune to do some creative marketing of your own.
The adult learning market is projected to grow 12% by 2028. With a little innovation, that increased demand could turn into more interest in your offerings and more students in your classes.
Informal ed may not have a Super Bowl-esque event that brings competitors head-to-head in the ultimate marketing challenge. But social media, print media, and in-person events offer opportunities to show off your program. Here are 7 inventive and low-cost creative marketing ideas that will help promote your courses online and off.
How to Find The Best Marketing Channels For Your Program
Today’s digital world offers plenty of options when it comes to choosing the best marketing channels to promote your program. You could write emails, compose a blog post, post flyers around town, draft a Tweet, take out ads in your local paper, choreograph a dance for TikTok, curate a Pinterest board, design a LinkedIn ad, record a video for YouTube, go live on Facebook…
Even if you had unlimited time, energy, and money, creating content for all those marketing channels might not be a good idea. Why? Because every marketing channel is different. Some may be more or less helpful in promoting your classes. Let’s look at how to experiment and find the best marketing channels for your classes.
How to Build A Strong Course Marketing Team From Scratch
If you’ve been handling course marketing on your own for a while, you may wonder if it’s time to bring in some experts. Building a course marketing team, or even just hiring a marketing professional, can help you save time and get better results.
Not that you aren’t doing a great job so far, it’s just that marketers are specialists. They’re pros at understanding your students, choosing and using marketing tools, and helping programs navigate the wide variety of digital platforms that can help market your courses.
We’ll help you understand the many different marketing specialties and uncover what you need to know to get the best marketing support.
How to Reduce Class Cancelation Rates To Keep Students Happy
You want to deliver on the promises you’ve made to students. That means offering quality classes and minimizing cancelations. Although weather or illness will sometimes result in last minute schedule changes, you try to keep your class cancelation rate as low as possible. No one likes to call off a class due to a lack of registrations.
Yet, sometimes it really is better to cut your losses and not hold a class so you can preserve resources and energy for something else. Your goal shouldn’t be to eradicate cancelations entirely. Focus instead on keeping your class cancelation rate at or below average. We’ll show you how.
CourseStorm’s SPARKed Grant Program: $10,000 in Micro Grants For Education Programs.
CourseStorm was proud to announce the SPARKed Grant Program, a grant-based program awarding $10,000 in micro grants for education programs between $500 and up to $2,000 each. The application was open to any educational organization or business providing learning opportunities to the public, including for-profit programs. The deadline for applications was December 31st and awards will be announced in February 2023.
3 Best Digital Marketing Channels for Informal Ed Programs
When it comes to marketing your informal ed programs you have lots of options. From classic solutions like email to up-and-coming social media sites like TikTok, the opportunities seem endless. Unfortunately, your time and energy are limited. You don’t want to spend hours a day marketing on every channel, you want to focus on the one that works. So now you’re wondering, what are the best digital marketing channels for informal ed programs?
Great question, and the answer is more straightforward than you might think. As part of our State of Informal Learning Report 2022 (SOIL), we dug into the marketing channels that moved traffic to sites using CourseStorm as their registration platform. With nearly 1 million registrations under our belt, we had plenty of data to explore. Our research revealed the three best digital marketing channels that informal ed programs can use to promote their classes.
Read on to learn what they are and how you can put them to work for your programs.
Insights Into Informal Learning to Help Grow Your Program
Informal learning rarely gets access to the kinds of industry-wide data that other sectors of education use to guide decision making. We don’t think that’s fair. After all, non-traditional education providers are helping people grow and creating opportunities for students of all ages. Why shouldn’t they have access to informal learning insights, much like higher ed and K-12 programs?
To help close this information gap, we at CourseStorm have compiled some of what we’ve learned from facilitating nearly 1 million class registrations to unearth patterns and strategies that you can apply to your programs. We’re calling it the State of Informal Learning Report 2022, or SOIL for short.
How to Collect Student Testimonials To Enroll More Students
Think back to the last big purchase you made. How did you decide what to buy and who to buy it from? If you’re like most people, you probably talked to friends or read reviews. These methods of social proof helped you feel confident that you were making a good purchase. You can give your potential students the same confidence by collecting and sharing student testimonials.
We’ve already done a whole series on feedback and why it’s important, but testimonials are a little different. A testimonial is a statement endorsing your program or class. While feedback may be positive, negative, constructive, or neutral, a testimonial is always positive. To put it another way, feedback is about improving your program, testimonials let you tell people how great it is.
We’ll show you how to collect student testimonials and how to share them to help promote your classes.