How to Time Your Holiday Marketing Strategy
The holidays can be hectic, especially if you have something to market. The weeks between Thanksgiving and Christmas are a prime time to promote classes as gifts or get students lined up for the new year. But what about the holidays themselves?
As you plan your holiday marketing strategy, you may tend to avoid scheduling messages to go out on the days just before Thanksgiving or in the week between Christmas and New Year’s Day. The thinking goes that people are focused on holiday celebrations and spending time with family. They probably won’t want to engage with marketing messages, right? But there’s one big problem with that logic — it doesn’t reflect how people actually behave.
We’ll show you how to plan a holiday marketing strategy that makes the most of people’s shopping and social media habits around the holidays.
How to Raise Prices Without Losing Students
Costs are rising everywhere. That means buying materials for your classes, paying instructors, and just keeping the lights on is more expensive than it used to be. Unless you have an endowment or other major funding source, and in many cases even if you do, it might be time to increase class fees to help bridge the gap.
Knowing you need to raise your prices is one thing. Actually making the change is another. You might be worried about upsetting students, or fear that raising your prices will make classes less accessible.
Those are reasonable concerns. But, in the long run, raising prices really can be in everyone’s best interest. We’ll show you why and how to raise your prices while keeping students happy.
Smart Strategies to Keep Classes Affordable for Students
Prices may be rising everywhere, but your mission hasn’t changed. You still want to provide personal enrichment and quality education opportunities to people in your community and beyond. That means you need to offer affordable classes while supporting the financial stability and long-term success of your program.
Achieving that balance might not be as difficult as you think. To start, expand your thinking beyond the list price of the course. We’ll share some tools and strategies you can use to keep classes affordable for the greatest number of students even if you do need to raise prices.
How to Collect Student Testimonials To Enroll More Students
Think back to the last big purchase you made. How did you decide what to buy and who to buy it from? If you’re like most people, you probably talked to friends or read reviews. These methods of social proof helped you feel confident that you were making a good purchase. You can give your potential students the same confidence by collecting and sharing student testimonials.
We’ve already done a whole series on feedback and why it’s important, but testimonials are a little different. A testimonial is a statement endorsing your program or class. While feedback may be positive, negative, constructive, or neutral, a testimonial is always positive. To put it another way, feedback is about improving your program, testimonials let you tell people how great it is.
We’ll show you how to collect student testimonials and how to share them to help promote your classes.
How Print Catalogs Convince Students to Register
Do you still distribute a printed catalog of your courses? These compendiums of course offerings have long been a staple of the education industry. Of course, in the modern world, when many of your course registrations likely come through online forms, you may be wondering if it’s still worth printing and shipping a physical course catalog.
The short answer is, yes. Printed course catalogs are still valuable in the modern world. In fact, if thoughtfully designed, they’re an integral part of the course marketing and registration process.
Before we dive into our best tips for creating and sharing high-quality printed course catalogs, let’s take a look at why print is still a powerful medium for course marketing in 2022.
5 Email Templates To Help You Engage Students
Email helps you market your classes and share essential information. You may already be sending marketing emails to students and potential students, but are you taking full advantage of what different types of email can do for your program?
Emails about upcoming classes are just the beginning. You can also let students know when a class is in danger of being canceled or set expectations and help them get oriented. You can reconnect with students who haven’t registered for anything new in a while, or get feedback from students who have.
We’ll walk you through the five types of email you should be sending and offer some templates to help get you started. If you send all five, you may just find that students stay more engaged. That leads to higher satisfaction and more enrollments. You can also download the full package of program communication email templates.
How to Use Email Personalization To Boost Student Engagement
Email marketing can be an efficient and cost-effective way to reach your students. The return on investment for email marketing is a staggering $44 for every $1 spent, according to a report from Campaign Monitor. That’s the good news. The bad news is that it can be difficult to make these emails feel personal and keep students engaged.
You probably don’t have time to write a unique email for each student on your mailing list, but you do want to show each student you care about them and their learning path. What is an education program manager to do? A smart email personalization strategy can help you stay efficient but still engage students.
Striking the balance between efficiency and personalized communication is actually pretty easy if you follow some simple best practices. You don’t have to customize everything, you just need enough personalization to show students they matter to you.
We’ve gathered these 5 easy email personalization tips to help you save time while still getting maximum engagement from students.
Should Online Classes Be Continued After The Pandemic Ends?
This pandemic will end. It may not be today or even next month, but the end is coming. Already, some adult, arts, and community education programs have moved back to in-person courses. This shift presents yet another decision point for programs: Should online classes be continued after the pandemic?
It might seem like online classes were part of your emergency response strategy and a return to business as usual would mean bringing students back into the classroom. Yet, getting back to normal may not be the right goal. Instead of thinking about online vs in person learning, you might consider how each one supports your learners.
Here are five reasons you might want to keep online classes, plus how to decide whether online classes should be continued after the pandemic ends.
4 Secrets To Help Sell More Arts Education Classes
You want to reach new audiences with your arts education classes, but you’re not sure how to start. You have a small, dedicated student population, but you’re struggling to reach people outside that circle. It’s like there’s some secret to class marketing that you haven’t unlocked. Are you often wondering, how do I market my art classes? If that sounds familiar, we have good news.
While working with arts education programs across the country, we’ve uncovered the secrets that can help you sell more classes. These four secrets will help you find more students and convince them to register. So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started.
How to Optimize Class Scheduling To Attract More Learners
You have a course that’s underperforming. Maybe your whole program isn’t quite reaching its registration goals. Are learners not interested, or might the schedule be to blame? Inconvenient class scheduling can prevent even the most interested student from enrolling.
Most of the advice on class scheduling is written for colleges and universities. It assumes that students have to take certain classes and are enrolled either full or part time. But enrichment, arts and culture, and adult education programs manage course schedules, too.
Enrichment students are different. Most take classes for fun or personal development. If class sessions are inconvenient or hard to access, they just won’t attend. So, you need to attract learners by offering classes on days and times that work for them. Not sure how to optimize your class schedule for non-traditional students? We’ll show you how.