New Feature

  1. Making Payouts Easier to Understand on Statements

    Today’s update has to do with one of the best parts of the online class registration process: getting paid! We’ve just launched site-specific descriptions for bank statements that make managing catalog networks easier than ever.

    CourseStorm has built-in support for networks of sites. This option is great for anywhere that has different programs or departments: each program can have its own catalog while still allowing all classes to be combined under a single umbrella site. All kinds of organizations – from hospitals to community colleges to training programs – use CourseStorm networks to manage registrations for all of their locations or divisions. But when payouts started rolling in, it was a little confusing to match which payout came from which site.

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  2. New Enhancements for Payment Plans

    Payment plans in CourseStorm are a hassle-free option to manage payment for classes that are over $100. If you enable payment plans for a class, we’ll automatically create a plan based on when someone registers and the date by which you want all your funds collected. No need to worry about schedules or amounts.

    We’re always looking for new ways to make managing payment plans even easier for administrators, and today we’re excited to talk about two recently-launched features: rescheduling individual payments and changing the credit card for a payment plan once the plan is in progress.

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  3. Printable Rosters: Now Available for All Classes!

    CourseStorm provides an easy way for students to sign up for your classes, but we’ve heard from a number of programs having a way to manage students once classes begins would be really helpful as well. That’s why we’re really excited to announce a brand-new feature: printable rosters!

    Printing a roster in CourseStorm couldn’t be easier. On any class’s roster, simply click the “Print Roster” button in the top right corner of the student list. We’ll automatically generate a PDF file for you with each student’s name and contact information. These new rosters are great for attendance as well! We give you ten empty columns to use as you wish. We also provide a few blank rows in case there are any changes or drop-in students.

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  4. Add to Calendar – Right from a Receipt Email!

    Are you looking for a quick way for registrants to save classes to their personal calendars?

    Our latest update gives your registrants that convenience.  With the click of a button in a registrant’s receipt email, she can now save the newly-registered class. Each calendar event will include the event’s name, registrant names, date & time, location, and description. And the button works with any calendar software that supports the ICS format (Google Calendar, Apple Calendar, Outlook, and more).

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  5. New Feature: Unlisted Classes

    Have you ever had a class where you wanted to limit registration to just a select group of people?

    Today’s your lucky day! We’re pleased to announce that we’ve launched a new way to make any of your classes unlisted. This keeps them out of your public catalog and makes them only accessible to those with the special link. All it takes is a few clicks and you’re done!

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  6. The CourseStorm for WordPress Plugin Is Here!

    This year we’re working hard to make it even easier to integrate CourseStorm into your website. With our brand new CourseStorm for WordPress plugin, we’re closer than ever to that goal.

    What can it do?

    Our new WordPress plugin allows you to list and display information about your classes on your website. This has the benefit of keeping people on your website longer and allowing them to browse your catalog from within your website.

    The plugin will display a list of your categories, a slider for featured classes, a listing of classes in a category, and individual class pages.

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  7. Learn More about Your Students with Registration Details

    We’re wrapping up 2018 with a batch of new features for registrations. To start, we’ve revealed more about the registrations you receive through CourseStorm. We’ve added a new way to give you more information than ever about where a registration stands with our new registration detail screens.

    These two new screens open up information about registrations you’ve never been able to access in the administration area before – including a schedule of upcoming payments! It also provides a home for a number of new features we’ll be adding in the coming weeks.

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  8. Improving Search Engine Results for Your Classes

    As anyone who holds classes can tell you, attracting students is an important goal. In many cases, it’s the #1 priority for programs! Today we’re adding a new way to do just that: enhanced, richer results in search engines. Best of all, there’s nothing more you need to do to enable them!

    We’ve added some new code on most class pages that tells Google and other search engines more about the classes you offer. Though the search engine decides if and when to display these new interactive results, this new code gives them all the information they need to build the best preview for your classes.

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  9. The New Look of CourseStorm’s Emails

    As October winds down here at CourseStorm, we’ve been working hard on a couple of great new features. Starting today you might notice something different about the email notifications you receive from CourseStorm. It’s no Halloween trick – our emails are getting a new, modern, mobile-friendly makeover!


    The new design of CourseStorm's email notifications

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  10. Boost Enrollments with Class-Specific Promo Codes

    At CourseStorm, we love doing everything we can to help attract registrations for your program. Here’s a quick tip to fill some extra seats with one of our newest features: class-specific promo codes.

    Do you have a class that’s in danger of being cancelled or one with a lot of available seats? Try posting a limited-time promo code for the class to your email list or on your page on Facebook.  Combined with CourseStorm’s automatic low enrollment emails, class-specific promo codes are one more way to reduce the chance you’ll have to cancel.

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