New Feature

  1. New Feature: Partial Refunds

    We hope you’re all enjoying the new start of the school year.  As a little “back to school” present from us, we wanted to let you know that partial refunds have come to CourseStorm.

    Not only can you now issue partial refunds for your registrations, but this update also includes a few other refinements to the refund process.  To start, you can now cancel a registration without refunding if you like.  You can also issue refunds outside of a cancelation — for example, if the registrant forgot to add a promo code during checkout.

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  2. Managing Class Sessions Is Now Even Easier

    We’re really excited to announce the launch of a pair of new features made especially for programs that run multiple sessions of the same class. They’re two of the most-requested features from users of CourseStorm: the ability to duplicate a class and to have multiple sessions for the same class. Both of these features are available starting today.Read more

  3. Our Focus on Accessibility

    Our goal at CourseStorm is to create an impossibly simple way for everyone to register for classes online. From birthing classes to retirement planning, from Washington to Texas to Maine, from summer camps to corporate training, we’re thrilled to give such a diverse range of people access to education at their fingertips.

    Over the past few months we’ve been putting a special emphasis on making online registration easier to use for individuals with disabilities. We’ve heard from a growing number of programs that accessibility is an important focus for them, and we couldn’t agree more. That’s why we’ve been working hard to make some changes to increase usability for those with accessibility needs.

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  4. Automatic Reminders for Abandoned Registrations

    We recently had the fortune of presenting nearby at the MAEA Conference in beautiful, Portland, ME. It was a great event and a wonderful time to connect with some of our customers here in Maine. It was also a chance to preview a brand new feature we’ll be launching soon that will help effortlessly increase enrollments.

    To get started, I’d like to share an interesting stat with you. If you had to guess how many online transactions across the entire web are abandoned part of the way through, what would you think? 20%? 30%? More?

    It turns out that the number is around 70%. That’s right. Out of all online transactions, almost 7 out of 10 are abandoned midway through. When we came across this number, we were stunned. And it got us thinking: how often does this happen in CourseStorm?

    So we did some digging and found that, interestingly enough, registrations through CourseStorm complete 2x more often than average! That’s definitely encouraging, but in our mind, there’s always a way to be more helpful. And, thankfully, there’s a simple solution to this problem that’s also rather helpful: just remind those students that they were interested in registering.

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  5. Feature Announcement: Family Tax Information For Parents And Organizations

    One desirable aspect of after-school child care and sports programs is that the fees are often tax deductible. However, gathering all of the necessary information come tax time can be a hassle for parents and organizations alike. Program directors are flooded with calls at the beginning of the year from parents that need tax ID numbers, receipts, and amounts paid for each child so that they can claim the Child and Dependent Care Credit (CDCC) on their tax returns.

    To make tax time easier for everyone, we are excited to announce a new feature that allows parents to retrieve the program’s tax information right from the registration system!

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  6. Cancel fewer classes, automatically.

    Here at CourseStorm HQ, we consider it our job to make it simple for students to connect to those great classes of yours. So, as you might imagine, we’re about as disappointed as anyone when a class has to cancel because there just aren’t enough students registered. It’s not great for you and your team who have worked hard to make the class available, it’s not great for the instructor who’s excited to share their knowledge, and it’s not great for the students who were really looking forward to taking that class!

    Well, thankfully, just in time for Fall registration, we’re adding a brand new way to help you cancel fewer classes, automatically, and it’s launching today!

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  7. Save Staff Time with Automatic Instructor Updates

    We hope you’re all having a great Spring! Here in Maine, we’re definitely excited to see the warmer weather and have already taken the opportunity to get outside for some fresh air. But that’s not all we’ve been up to!

    We’re thrilled to work with educational organizations across the country from small, two-person operations to those with a larger staff and thousands of registrations per year. But there’s one thing you all have in common — there’s never enough time!

    We know how you feel, so we’ve been hard at work on new time-saving features to let you spend more time with your students and less time on office work.

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  8. Student Accounts Update

    As the old saying goes, “A rolling stone gathers no moss.” That’s exactly how we feel at CourseStorm. So, another week – another update! Hot off the presses of our last release, we’ve made another great addition to CourseStorm. And this time, the feature is for your students!

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  9. Waiting Lists

    Since our last update, our team has been hard at work and last week we released a handful of features that we think will make your day-to-day use of CourseStorm even better!

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