New Feature

  1. Friends & Family Registration

    Though many of you are now off for a well-deserved summer break, we here at CourseStorm are still working hard to continue to improve and add features to our program. We are proud to present our latest update: friends & family registration.

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  2. New Updates

    Spring has finally sprung here in the northeast and that has energized us to work in earnest on updates to CourseStorm. Check out some of the great new features we’ve been adding!

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  3. New Admin Area Screencast

    Brrrrr!! I don’t know about you all, but I can’t wait for the snows of winter to melt and the air to warm up a bit. What a crazy winter it’s been so far!

    Unfortunately, due to those nasty snow storms, we were put a little behind schedule on our promised screencast. No to worry, though, the day has come!

    We’re very excited to give you access to the new CourseStorm admin area.

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