Feature Spotlight

Now Available: Merge Duplicate Student Accounts

A man in a dark suit, smiling, leans on a chair in a well-lit room with large windows, perhaps taking a break from discussing adult education classes.

Brian Rahill

August 11, 2016

Hi everyone,

Hot off the heels of our last update, we wanted to share with you another new feature that we think you’re all going to love — the ability to merge student accounts simply and easily!

Merge Duplicate Student Accounts

If you’re seeing multiple records for the same person in your administration area, there are lots of reasons why this can happen.  Perhaps the student or parent registered with a different email address.  Or perhaps they were registered by a friend who added them to their circle of family and friends, but didn’t enter their email.

Whatever the reason, we’re pleased to say that there’s a super simple way to clean up this duplication and keep all of the student’s info in one record using our new account merging tool.

 Merging is simple:
  1. Find a student with duplicate accounts
  2. Select the Merge action
  3. Search for the duplicate record you’re merging with
  4. Select which one you’d like to keep and click Merge Accounts.

We’ll automatically and intelligently combine all of the info between the two records including basic contact info, stored credit cards, answers to custom questions in your registration forms, registration history, family and friends — you name it!

unnamedHave 3 records to merge?  No problem.  Just merge the first two and then merge their combined account with the third to create one master record with all the student’s info!  Simple.

Learn more about Merging Student Accounts >

We hope you love the new feature as much as we do and that you find it impossibly simple to use!

What’s next?

Aside from a sprinkling of smaller updates coming soon, we’re also already hard at work on a few bigger items in the Ballot Box that are clear winners with lots of customer support.  So, if you haven’t seen your particular request come up yet — stay tuned!

In the meantime, if you have any feedback, just shoot us an email at support@coursestorm.com.  Thanks, everyone!

A man in a dark suit, smiling, leans on a chair in a well-lit room with large windows, perhaps taking a break from discussing adult education classes.
Brian Rahill

Brian is a scientist-turned-education technology executive. He has founded and led technology companies for more than 20 years and uses his analytical mind and experimental approach to spur growth in small and medium businesses and start-ups. He is passionate about using technology to enhance access to lifelong learning.

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