Program Spotlight
Ready for the Zombie Apocalypse?

Inspiring & Extraordinary Offerings from Around the Country
Just browsing the fun, practical, completely unlikely possibilities in your local Adult & Community Education brochure makes one thing clear. Program directors in towns and cities around the country relish the opportunity to entertain new, original course ideas from talented community members. We traversed the nation, digitally speaking, to highlight some of the most interesting, inspiring and of-the-moment community education classes you can sign up for right now. Even if you can’t get to Arizona to join a Mariachi band or to Pima to prepare for the zombie apocalypse, this list will at least motivate you to take – or teach – a class in your own hometown.
Come to Chicago to learn to Swim Like a Mermaid, if you’re looking to add a little wish fulfillment to your workout. Adults and kids learn to swim while wearing a mermaid tail (included) and feel like they’re in a fairy tale, or a Ron Howard movie.
Chicago also proves it knows how to have fun with a A Holiday Tour of Drinks, Daleys and Dead Guys, a special trip that promises insider info and local libations, atypical even for Windy City denizens.
Those who loved the Broadway show “Hamilton” will not want to miss Sing! Sing! Sing! The Hamilton Edition in Arlington. The class description urges potential students to “stop singing in their showers and unite, in order that we may share our common passion for Hamilton—the soundtrack!” Those who haven’t seen the show are welcome, and those who have should keep the bragging to a minimum.
Merrymeeting Adult Education in Maine has its finger on the pulse of the community’s urge to downsize with An Introduction and Overview to Tiny House Construction this spring. Students will learn how to plan, build, and decorate a tiny house of their own and see first-hand what it’s like to live in one.
Pima, Arizona Adult Education takes the Boy Scout motto “Be prepared” to a whole new level with their offering of Zombie Apocalypse. Students work through the scenarios of a zombie outbreak, its causes, and the repercussions of dealing with the undead – and yes, learn real skills, too.
Always wanted to join a Mariachi band? You’ve got your chance at Estrella Mountain Community College in Arizona. Learn the Mariachi culture and experience being in an ensemble – exasperated restaurant patrons not included.
Those in or around Salt Lake City can venture out on the ice for some Ice Fishing this winter with a hands-on field trip following a little guidance. Others may choose to stay in and take a class in Meeting and Understanding Your Angels and Guides, a way to tap into the presences that aid, guide, and support us that we may not be aware of.
While in NYC, we recommend a trip uptown to the 92Y. Where else can you take an entry level poetry class from Molly Peacock, or attend an open Israeli Folk Dance session—? Or make your way a bit north to Purchase and learn Guerilla Filmmaking – you can even screen your short film on the last day.
Put your creativity on the line in Seattle with a class on How to Make Comics: Understanding the Comic Book Process. This course covers the creating and pitching of this wildly popular form of literature.
Finally, grab your foils and head to Santa Clara, CA, and be part of 500 years of dueling tradition by learning the art and science of Fencing. En garde!

Brian Rahill
Brian is a scientist-turned-education technology executive. He has founded and led technology companies for more than 20 years and uses his analytical mind and experimental approach to spur growth in small and medium businesses and start-ups. He is passionate about using technology to enhance access to lifelong learning.