Company News

I know we normally spend these posts letting you know about the great new features we have and how we hope you’re all going to love them, but I wanted to break tradition a bit today to say, “Wow!”
We like to keep tabs on how all the programs are doing and how the registration season is going by looking at data on website traffic, number of visitors, registrations, sales, and student searches as well as keeping up on the fantastic new classes you all are offering.
I know we’re only a couple of weeks into the new year, but the momentum and activity we’ve been seeing this year has been amazing. The work you all are doing (and are likely in the middle of at this very moment) is truly inspiring to us. We feel very privileged to be even a small part of your mission to make affordable, local education available to all.
To give you a sense of why I’m excited, I thought I’d pass along a few notes of interest.
You all are really popular!
We’ve seen a tremendous amount of activity on your sites this year. Some programs have even doubled in online activity since last January. In the first two weeks, we’ve helped process 2,500% more registrations than the year before. And it’s all thanks to the work you all are doing in getting the word out about the fantastic classes you offer. Congratulations!
Your classes continue to inspire us
When I talk to people about the work we do, I like to play a game I call Class Roulette. It works like this: the person I’m talking to gives me something that they’d like to learn and I find it in the CourseStorm network.
- Using a smartphone? Check.
- Homebrewing? Check.
- Quilting? Check.
- Training to be an optician? Check.
- Crime scene investigation? Check.
As you might imagine, it’s very rare that I lose this game. 🙂
And everyone I talk to is astounded. I often hear “I didn’t know you could take a class on that!” But, you’re busy changing that. People everywhere are getting to learn new things and stay curious all thanks to you.
So, congratulations for a great start to 2015. Here’s to a wonderful rest of the year!

Matt James
Matt has over 20 years of experience in the software industry. As the founder or co-founder of four software companies, he comprehensively understands technology, design, operations, finance, sales, marketing, and customer service. Matt co-founded CourseStorm to connect learners to classes where they can gain education a la carte to enrich their lives through art classes, prepare for a new job, or level up their existing skills.