Company News
What Our Greenlight Maine Win Means for Our Future

As some of you may know, we recently won our episode of Greenlight Maine, putting us one step closer to winning the $100,000 grand prize! We went head-to-head against the creator of College Helpers in front of a panel of three judges: Tom O’Donnell, the principle of Macpage; Mike Duguay, the executive director of the Harold Alfond Institute for Business; and Becky Conrad, the president of the LA Metro Chamber of Commerce. Each of us were given time to pitch our business, and we were judged not only on the quality of our pitch but also the long-term growth potential of our company.
If Greenlight Maine isn’t on your radar already, we encourage you to take a look at the great things the program is doing. They encourage entrepreneurs in Maine, providing resources and a wealth of support for those of us building our companies and making our homes in Maine. The affiliated television show is an opportunity not only to showcase the vast array of talent in the state, but also to encourage, support, and assist local businesses.
Now that we’ve won our episode, our next step is to be mentored with a panel of three successful entrepreneurs. This will allow us to fine-tune our business and gain the perspective of industry leaders in the area. By bringing us into this round, the Greenlight Maine panel was putting their confidence in CourseStorm and our future growth. We are honored by their trust and eager to prove them right!

Matt James
Matt has over 20 years of experience in the software industry. As the founder or co-founder of four software companies, he comprehensively understands technology, design, operations, finance, sales, marketing, and customer service. Matt co-founded CourseStorm to connect learners to classes where they can gain education a la carte to enrich their lives through art classes, prepare for a new job, or level up their existing skills.